Photo of 1" Pure Tabs, slow dissolving stabilized chlorine tablets used to sanitize swimming pool water

1” Pure Tabs

Slow dissolving stabilized chlorine tablets.

Product Details


  • Stabilized chlorine protected from UV rays
  • Pressed without gums or binders on high pressure equipment


  • Slow dissolving
  • Provides steady levels of chlorine into pool
  • Will not clog feeders
  • Will clean gummed up feeders


  • Fill automatic or floating chlorine feeder with tablets and adjust rate to achieve 1 to 3 ppm
  • Test the chlorine residual in the pool water frequently
  • DO NOT add other product to the skimmer or chemical feeder while Pure Tabs are in the skimmer

Available Sizes

2 lb cylinder
5 lb pail
8 lb pail
25 lb pail
50 lb pail

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