Photo of PhosAway Extreme, a pool product that removes Phosphate from swimming pool water

Phosaway EXTREME

Formulated for pools highly susceptible to phosphate

Product Details


  • Fast acting solution pulls phosphate out of solution fast
  • Non-overdose formula
  • Non foaming
  • Concentrated formula


  • Allows the filter to remove phosphates out of the pool
  • With extreme phosphate levels, vacuuming can reduce phosphate levels
  • Reduces the likeness of calcium phosphate formation
  • Reduces pool maintenance and operating costs


  • Resolve any existing pool water issues before using PhosAway EXTREME
  • Test and balance the pool water. pH 7.2-7.6. Alkalinity 80-120 ppm
  • With cap on tight, shake container thoroughly before using
  • Acceptable phosphate levels, below 1,000 ppb; ideal level is under 250 ppb – your local dealer can assist with the testing of these levels
  • 6 ounces of ProTeam PhosAway EXTREME per 10,000 gallons of pool water, reduces up to 1,000 ppb of phosphates

Available Sizes

1 qt bottle

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