Photo of Spa Alkalinity Up, a Spa product used to increase alkalinity in your spa and hot tub

Spa Alkalinity Up

Alkalinity helps keep your pH in the ideal range. Even if pH is in range, low or high alkalinity can create havoc in your spa. Alkalinity doesn’t change that often, so it only needs to be tested half as frequently as pH.

Product Details


  • Raises Total Alkalinity; which acts as a pH buffer
  • Prevents corrosion in equipment and on spa surfaces


  • Keeps pH levels stay at consistent levels
  • Increases water comfort
  • Protects spa and equipment


  • Apply to the spa while the water is circulating
  • Use ½ ounce (1 Tbsp) per 200 gallons of spa water to increase total alkalinity by 10 ppm
  • See your dealer for help in decreasing alkalinity in water

Available Sizes

1 lb bottle
2 lb bottle

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